We are building fan clubs across the country to support 1. FC Köln. You can find a fan club near you if one exists, or create your own fan club if none do! Most fan clubs meet up for watch parties. These are the easiest way to grow new members, and give people a place to meet each other. Keep in mind, that every fan club will not meet together for every game depending on schedules, so it's best to reach out to them on social media to make sure they'll be there.
The overarching Effzeh USA group can be reached on Twitter at @fckoelnUSA and via email at [at] gmail. There is also a Linktree for this community at
Since March 2023, we have an offical fan club: 1. FC Köln Supporters USA. The membership is free! We are more than 115 members from over 40 states within the US so far.
Local Fan Clubs
1. FC Köln officially recognizes fan clubs! You must submit an application, list members in the city, and at least one person must be a paid member of the club. You can find more information about becoming an official member of the club and registering your fan club in the Google document here. The official clubs are listed first below with a *
Effzeh Chicago - Chicago, IL*
Twitter: @EffzehChicago
1. EffzehNati 17/18 - Cincinnati, OH*
Local Bar: Rhinehaus
Twitter: @EffzehOhio
Effzeh Omaha - Omaha, NE*
Twitter: @EffzehOmaha
Cologne FC - Indy - Indianapolis, IN*
​​Twitter: @Cologne_FC_Indy
1. FC Köln Tennessee - Nashville, TN
Twitter: @KolnTN​​​​​
Twitter: @TXGeissbock​
- Kansas Effzeh - Lawrence, KS
- Twitter: @KEffzeh​
- 1. FC Köln NYC - New York
- Twitter: @FCKolnNYC​
Köln South Carolina - South Carolina
Twitter: @EffzehCarolina​
1. FC Köln Raleigh - Raleigh, NC
Twitter: @1fc_raleighwood​